Let Us Practice Our Goodness          
Help Others Pursue Their Own 
Let All Goodness Thrive in Unification       
For a Society of Great Harmony
EOG Looks for Material Abundance
Practical Ways to Peaceful Mind and 
Co-Existence and Co-Prosperity of All Beings
Altruism at Core   Let's Us Make a World of Goodness
We Connect Chinese and Western Intelligentsia and 
Business Elites with a Platform of Goodness
for Global Happiness and Peace
Reshape Corporate Values Motivated by Altruism
Reconstruct Business Model by Harmonious Unification
Make a New Business Ecology that Benefits All Parties
A Cross-Border Integration Platform of Goodness 
that Provides Growth Path in a new Era
for Business Transformation and Innovation
    A Global Network for the Studies of Goodness-Shan Culture is projected to be established first by the University of Cambridge and Peking University. The rest of the initiator universities will first establish an Initiate Planning Committee that will invite social elites, entrepreneurs who harbor cultural ideals, charity leaders and top scholars to participate in the building of the center for goodness studies in the ten universities, mentor the research of goodness in various fields, the promotion of examples of goodness and resource channeling. The Planning Committee will be counseled by the Central The Central Steering Committee (see below) for the Network. The Network in the ten universities should be established by 2021.

    Cooperation Program

    Description of Project Activities

    A Central Steering Committee for the Network will supervise the research and promotion of goodness studies and examples in various fields. Professor Rey Sheng Her, Professor Chen Jinhua at the University of British Columbia and Professor Wang Song at Peking University will be co-initiators responsible for the operation of the Central Steering Committee and coordination among all partner universities. The Central Steering Committee will hold meetings regularly on the research direction, connotation expounding, promotion modes and cooperation programs of goodness studies. The Central Steering Committee will report regularly the project progress, plans and incomes and expenditures to the Global Research Network Council for Goodness Studies.

    The Advisory Committee will guide the research scope of goodness studies and the promotion of examples of goodness in various fields.

    The Network will be funded by CGSC and its partner universities. Each university will receive an annual fund of RMB 1 million for three years for project activities. After three years, the donation will continue after the project evaluation.

    Each partner university will hold one or two academic activities (forums, seminars, salons, etc.) related to the study of the Shan/Goodness culture every year. Before or after the meeting, a visit to one or two important local sites, and investigate relevant literature and physical sites of "goodness culture".
    Inviting scholars to discuss the theory and practice of shan/goodness regularly; promoting the exchange between Chinese and Western scholars and experts; recommending practical models and representatives of goodness in China and the West; holding special lectures, salons and forums in universities to share and promote the research and development of goodness culture.
    Publishing a collection of Chinese and English papers on the Shan culture every year. Selecting excellent papers from various seminars, forums and salons supported by this network, for formal publication.
    Publication of a bilingual journal (in Chinese and English) temporarily named The Shan-Goodness Culture, funded by the CGSC.
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