Altruism at Core Let's Us Make a World of Goodness
We Connect Chinese and Western Intelligentsia and
Business Elites with a Platform of Goodness
for Global Happiness and Peace
Reshape Corporate Values Motivated by Altruism
Reconstruct Business Model by Harmonious Unification
Make a New Business Ecology that Benefits All Parties
A Cross-Border Integration Platform of Goodness
that Provides Growth Path in a new Era
for Business Transformation and Innovation
Ten Causes of Goodness
Culture of Goodness
Drawing upon Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism and western humanism and rationalism, Culture of Goodness aims to explore and practice the ultimate Goodness appropriate for China and the world. It views Goodness as the root of a person's life and tries to achieve harmony and happiness between individuals and countries and between countries and the world.
Education of Goodness
It combines the acquisition of knowledge, the training of mind and the cultivation of compassion. It advocates cultivation education by words, deeds and concrete contexts. It cultivates students with character and professionalism, heart and mind, actions and ideals.
Philanthropy and Goodness
It explores governance of NGOs, including their principles, operation , management and promotion; social responsibility and mission; the rise and development of social enterprises; the global development of transnational public welfare organizations; mission and contribution of public welfare.
Environment of Goodness
The Environment of Goodness believes that humans live by Nature and their existence must help other beings prosper. Only when humans and the environment coexist in harmony can the earth's resources benefit humankind lastingly. We need to promote environmental protection, expand organic agriculture and advocate organic diets, so that the environment can flourish and so that humans and the environment co-exist in harmony.
Art of Goodness
Beauty and Goodness shall merge. Art of Goodness aims to cultivate people’s aesthetic taste and creativity to manifest the beauty and Goodness in all aspects of life. In this regard, they would reunite with each other and become a whole.
Economy of Goodness
The EOG believes firmly that only through altruism can economic prosperity and innovation be achieved. The enterprise of Goodness is motivated by Goodness and realize goodness through the means of Goodness. The goal of the economy of Goodness is common and equal wealth and prosperity of all humans through altruism, the completeness of individuals and communities and an ideal world where people enjoy health, wealth, purified hearts and harmonious society.
Life with Goodness
Mental health is inseparable from physical health, which after all comes from a healthy environment. Life with Goodness explores and practices ways to spiritual and physical robustness, favorable environment, harmonious life and society.
Governance based on Goodness
It aims to build round organizations based on equality, compassion and Goodness, rather than horizontal ones in hierarchy. It focuses on inspiring spontaneity in employees rather than command. It focuses autonomy rather than heteronomy.
Technology based on Goodness
The Summun Bonum of science and technology is to guide humans beings to Goodness and benefit human beings. The scientific rationality must combine value rationality to pursue outcome rationality for humans’ sustainable happiness. The Technology based on Goodness is expected to transmit Goodness through the internet and records Goodness with Block Chain and practice Goodness with AI. Scientific innovations must seek maximized benefits for humans.
Communication of Goodness
Transmission is key for social advancement and prosperity. Transmission of Goodness approaches societal issues and seek ways out by constructive transmission with empathy. It transmits truth and guide people to Goodness.
About Us
Key Concepts of Shan-Goodness
About CGSC
Honorary Chairman&Chairman
Management Team
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Ideological Origin of EOG
Core Contents
Ten Causes of Goodness
Ten Practices of Enterprises of Goodness
Case Study
Honorary&Chief Advisor
Senior Advisor (Local)
Senior Advisor (Overseas)
Special Consultants
Goodness Studies
The Global Network for the Studies of Goodness-Shan Culture