Let Us Practice Our Goodness          
Help Others Pursue Their Own 
Let All Goodness Thrive in Unification       
For a Society of Great Harmony
EOG Looks for Material Abundance
Practical Ways to Peaceful Mind and 
Co-Existence and Co-Prosperity of All Beings
Altruism at Core   Let's Us Make a World of Goodness
We Connect Chinese and Western Intelligentsia and 
Business Elites with a Platform of Goodness
for Global Happiness and Peace
Reshape Corporate Values Motivated by Altruism
Reconstruct Business Model by Harmonious Unification
Make a New Business Ecology that Benefits All Parties
A Cross-Border Integration Platform of Goodness 
that Provides Growth Path in a new Era
for Business Transformation and Innovation

    The Global Network for the Studies of Goodness-Shan Culture

    In order to promote the study, practice and dissemination of "Goodness" of Eastern and Western cultures, the CGSC (Center for Goodness Study, China) seeks to establish a cross-university, cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary research platform, namely “The Global Network for the Studies of Goodness-Shan Culture”.

    Starting from the University of Cambridge, Peking University, and the University of British Columbia, the last of which will act as the network coordinator, no less than ten top universities around the world will be invited to participate in this network. In addition to the abovementioned three universities, scholars from the following seven universities have expressed interest in joining this unprecedented network: University of Oxford, Harvard University, Princeton University, and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, The University of Tokyo, Tsinghua University, National Chengchi University.

    The Shan/Goodness Network supports the cooperation among world-class outstanding scholars, institutions and enterprises, for the purpose of integrating resources, promoting the understanding and exchange of Eastern and Western cultures, and contributing to global stability, happiness and prosperity.
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